Настоящая красота – это здоровье, поэтому мы создали клинику с современным подходом. Muare специализируется на разработке индивидуальных комплексных программ оздоровления, которые объединяют последние достижения научной медицины с самыми эффективными и подтвержденными методами натуральной терапии, в том числе иглорефлексотерапии.

В команде Muare в сотрудничестве друг с другом работают прекрасные специалисты: неврологи, терапевты, рефлексотерапевты, иглорефлексотерапевты, массажисты, гинеколог, остеопат и другие эксперты в своей области.

Мы гордимся прекрасными результатами в лечении нарушений движений в руках и ногах, последствий инсультов и травм, грыж и пареза лицевого нерва, сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, проблем ЖКТ, бесплодия и других проблем, которые значительно снижают качество жизни.
Это значит, что мы работаем с организмом комплексно, лечим не симптомы заболеваний, а ищем причины их появления и работаем с этим, а также предотвращаем появление новых.
Основа нашей клиники — это интегративная и превентивная медицина, сочетающая в себе основы китайской традиционной медицины.
Если вас что-то беспокоит, вы всегда можете записаться на первичный прием, чтобы задать нашим специалистам любые вопросы и составить грамотный план лечения.
Самое ценное для нас — видеть, как жизнь клиентов Muare становится лучше, и быть частью этих позитивных изменений.
Выбрать удобное время приема можно по телефону:
+7 996 418 80 60

Мы находимся по адресу:
Ул. Мира 330 а, оф.502
наши услуги
Introduce yourself and add key information about your company. Who do you work for? What inspires your services? Add some details about what is included in the service and what the client gets.
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Describe your product or service and upload a photograph to draw your clients’ attention.
Hair stylist
Monica Onder
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
HelLen Bulloc
A short bio of the founder of the company. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Makeup artist
A short bio of the co-founder of the company. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Jennifer Joss
A short bio of the key team member. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Lilly Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
by step
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Located in country X. Provide your address here. Explain how clients can find you.
This template requires custom fonts. Set them up manually before using this template.
Heading font: TheNightWatch
Body text font: Roboto

How to set up font:
1. Download TheNightWatch Font:
a. Open the downloaded folder the_night_watch. You'll need "TheNightWatch.ttf"
b. Convert TTF/OTF file to WOFF (you can use this tool CloudConvert (

2. Go to Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Custom Settings → Your Own Font → Upload Font Files
a. Upload "TheNightWatch.woff" to BOLD
b. Under "Font Name," enter custom name for the font, e.g., "TheNightWatch".
c. Set TheNightWatch as default Heading font
d. Save changes

3. Go to Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Basic Fonts
a. Choose Roboto as Body Text Family Name
b. Save changes

4. In the page editor, update fonts for each block. See the template demo as a reference:

5. Save changes. Done!

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